Thursday, June 16, 2011


We have some great opportunities to get the "word out" for SUSTAIN:SLO.

We will have an information booth at all the SOAR session lunches in August so we can talk to parents and students about the learning initiative.

We will also run an information session during SOAR for students who want to learn more. I imagine that we will have a fun activity, maybe a "Sticky Wall" or a community based project.

During WOW we will have a booth downtown during SLOBound.

We are also planning information session in the dorms during the first weeks of class.

This might really happen!!!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

A Head's Up for Recruiting Timeline and Needs

The process that we are not following puts a couple of stringent requirements for recruiting. The most critical one is that we must, but October 8, create a list of all 100 students in the test cohort and each of their MATH/STAT needs for the following quarter.  We must do the same for the 100 students in the quasi-control cohort.  That is:

By October 8, 2012, we have:
List of 100 SUSTAIN freshmen and their MATH/STAT needs for W'12
List of 100 "similar" freshmen and their MATH/STAT needs for W'12

I believe we also need:
List of 100 "similar" freshmen and their ENGL/COMS needs for W'12
Why do we need this listing? It seems that to keep the integrity of the research, we want the "quasi-control" to have at least half of their courses similar to the "test" cohort.  All students need ENGL and MATH, so it seems that if we block enroll these students in these courses, we can ensure that at least half their experience will be similiar.  [This reasoning is of course open for examination.]

What will we do with these lists?
100-SUSTAIN: We will map these students into individual MATH sections offered in W'12 prior to noon and submit this list to the MATH department.  If they approve of the listing, the list will go forward to enrollment/scheduling, for those students to be block enrolled prior to the registration process.

100-QUASI-CONTROL: We will create a similar mapping for the MATH and the ENGL courses for each student, W'12. Or, we may submit the information to enrollment/scheduling for them to block enroll. TBD.

Recruiting. The SOAR contact may prove to be very important. The person to speak with is :Andrene Kaiwi-Lenting.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Winter 2012 & Spring 2012 Grouping of Courses

FTF = face-to-face time

The structure we will start with is to
1. Require all students to take a math course prior to noon.  (This will 4 of their 16-18 units)

Rooms are available for this schedule which gives us 16 hours per week:
MTWR 4-6
Friday 9-5

Winter 2012
ENGL134 (2 sections), time: between 12 and 2 PM  (An additional 4 units for those needing ENGL134)
[4 hrs FTF time/week] Those who don't have ENGL134 will have COMS102.

Grouped together, with students taking 2 or 3 of the courses. [16 hours FTF time scheduled/week]
COMS102 (55 students projected) - Truch
PHYS 141 (30) - Schwartz/Vanasupa
PHYS 131 (5) - Schwartz/Vanasupa
PHYS 121 (30) - Schwartz/Vanasupa
PHYS 104 (40) - Schwartz/Vanasupa
HIST 216 (50) - Trice
ECON 201 (50) - Villegas
ECON 221 (15) - Villegas 
STAT 217/218/221 (30) - Frame

Options to account for the project activities:
UNIV 125 (up to 100 students) - 1 unit activity, 1 unit lecture [3 hours FTF time/week] 
or something like "270" course, such as IME270, AGB 270 or MATE270 or even ME270. 
Possible faculty: Schlemer, MacDougall, John Chen

Spring 2012
Again, MATH would be scheduled early in the day. 

ENGL 145 (3-4 sections)
PHYS 132 (30) - Schwartz/Vanasupa
PHYS 122 - (30) - Schwartz/Vanasupa

SS 121 (40) -
BIO 114 - Ritter
STAT217 - Frame
STAT218 - Frame
STAT252 - Frame

We could use a partner in a liberal art area. Candidates: Psychology, Ethnic Studies, Philosophy, Art.